

Sunday, April 08, 2007

第五十四通 季結蟲

It has been more than 1Q that I've abondoned blogging, not just because of my lazyness but also that I have lost the pw once.


For this very precious holidays, I really don't want to spoil it by rushing to the airport. Rather, I would like to spend it in a very pleased way...

1. Wii
2. Book City @ Shenzhen


For Wii, I think it will definitely add flavour to my life. Wii Sports is a must and I am also very looking forward to the old games like Sonic!

For the Book City @ Shenzhen, it really scares me for its huge construction fees to $40B. I don't think I'll go again that soon and I'm so happy that our Xinhua Book City @ Happy Valley is good enough!


As far as I remember, these are my merchandise:

1. Kite Runner
2. Jews life x 2
3. 字帖 x 4
4. 變形記
5. 海底二萬里
6. Behavioral Finance x 2
7. Investment
8. Investment @ PRC x 2
9. 香港百年股史
11. EU's development
12. Indian's economic development
13. The unbearable lightness of life
14. Tuesdays with Morrie
15. A Random walk down Wall Street
16. Uncommon Profit for common Stock
17. 莊子

It was to my full loading so I stopped the shopping. The most important thing is, they DO NOT accept credit cards so I simply spent all of my RMB.

I am searching 'Death at Venice' but they only have 死於威尼斯. So I deserted it.

The magnet of the book city is that they have REAL serious books which we only have moderate ones in English here.

My challenge is not just that I dare not to go on myself but also that my less and less spacious bookselves. I will make a very good one in my next move...


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