

Sunday, January 28, 2007

第五十三通 新朋友蟲

經身邊人認識到一位新朋友, 雖然大家所屬年代、背景都很不同, 但對事情的看法很相近, 感覺真好。 沒耐性的我已到說話不多的階段, 聽多過講, 惟望多一點見這類朋友, 以改善改善。


New books on shelf:

1. 賈平凹 - 秦腔 : 「要我說, 我最喜歡的女人還是白雪。」多麼的 conditional sentence. 由書友甲用普通話朗讀出來, 特別有韻味!

2. Hedgehogging 簡體版 - 屬於八卦的那一類。 Publish @ US @ 2006. 現在簡體書真 effective.

Will be on shelf soon:

1. Kakuro 100 puzzle - $38!! 但最近太忙, 不可心散!!
2. 百年孤寂 - 但最近太忙, 不可心散!!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

第五十二通 remote proximity 蟲

怎樣才算是很 remote 的 proximity?

不知怎講, 'language just leaving me'.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

第五十一通 大原則蟲

For long term investment allocation:

1. Demographics
2. Economic/business/interest rate cycles
3. Liquidity
4. Market momentum

The above principle may reverse for short term investments. Ironic?


書友們在讀「秦腔」。但本蟲事忙,將不會加入。然卻讀了「天狗」及「油月亮」。油月亮實在是恐怖, 為何賈會知道人的油脂放於水中會化成半月呢? 不要說那是作者文革大飢荒時的經驗。

至於天狗, 那是很好的電影題材。招夫養夫, 那是一種什麼的愛? 果然, Google 了之下原來天狗曾於內地改編為劇。

Thursday, January 04, 2007

第五十通 自語蟲

Pick up a brochure about the sun
Learn to ignore what the photographer saw
I was always told that you should join a club
stick with the gang if you want to belong

I was a lonely boy, no strength, no joy
in a world of my own at the back of the garden
I didn't want to compete or play out on the street
for in a secret life I was a Roundhead general

I was faced with a choice at a difficult age
Would I write a book? Or should I take to the stage?
But in the back of my head I heard distant feet
Che Guevara and Debussy to a disco beat

Out of bed at half past ten
the party animal phones a friend
Picks up news about the sun
and the working day has just begun
Sticks with the gang at the back of the street
Pass the test and he don't compete
Drive the car, if you're with me
Che Guevara's drinking tea
He reads about a new device
and takes to the stage in a secret life

Pet Shop Boys - Left to my own devices


他倆的文字像一柄菜刀: 余華是刀鋒, 被他很快速的劃一下, 傷口是註定會有的, 幸運的話會瞬間止住了血, 過後你會記下那傷, 卻忘記了痛; 賈平凹是刀柄, 被他桶一下, 感覺是鈍鈍的痛, 始初的時侯好像沒什麼, 慢慢才領略到那持久的痛, 瘀一片是你走運, 最怕那是內傷。

無論如何, 身為香港人本蟲可說是 no complain。 即使 left to my own devices, 也是自由的。 有一些人的經歷, 如果只用可悲去形容, 實在是太冷漠了。


Dreaming of the Queen
visiting for tea
You and her and I
and Lady Di

The Queen said: 'I'm aghast
Love never seems to last
however hard you try'
And Di replied that

'There are no more lovers left alive
No one has survived
so there are no more lovers left alive
and that's why love has died
Yes, it's true
Look, it's happened to me and you'

Pet Shop Boys - Dreaming of the Queen