

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Prayer of St. Francis

Make me a channel of Your Peace
Where there is hatred let me bring Your Love
Where there is injury Your pardon Lord
And where there's doubt true faith in You.

Make me a channel of Your Peace
Where there's despair in life let me bring Hope
Where there is darkness, only light
And where there's sadness ever Joy.

O' Master grant that I may never seek
So much to be consoled as to console
To be understood as to understand
To be loved as to love with all my soul.

Make me a channel of Your Peace
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned
In giving to all men that we receive
And in dying that we're born to eternal Life.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Chateau Bernadotte 2001

65% CS, 33% Merlot, 1% CF & 1% Petit Verdot

This wine worth wine lovers'patience. Though it's young (so a bit spicy for the moment) and is already accessible, I expect the joy will be multiplied along the time line.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Robert Mondavi Winery - Moscato d'Oro

Light sweet. Rare (or NO!) stock in HK.

Do I have to go to Napa Valley myself?

Miss you already!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

第六十七通 青春蟲




體育時期 - 董啟章

Sunday, August 12, 2007

第六十六通 跳躍蟲

看罷穿越時空的少女, 心裡想劇中的嬸嬸有 D 野呀, Google 下才知道本來嬸嬸才是女主角。


這樣的星期天, 懶洋洋的, 真舒服!

Monday, August 06, 2007

第六十五通 不變蟲

是日休息, 作為一名悶人, 我再次選擇逛書店來消磨時間。

Festive Walk 的 Page One 減價, my merchandises:

1. A clockwork Orange - Anthony Burgess (Penguin Classics)

2. Das Perfume

3. 名字的玫瑰 - 董啟章

4. 夜間遠足 - 恩田陸

5. 平民資本家 - 林森池

回家時在巴士上認識了一位 gentleman. 因為我見他正在看著自己的 merchandise. 是馬勒的交響樂。
I asked him where did find them and he said he was from Festive Walk.

Oh I just been from the same mall and I pulled out one of my merchandises and it was A Clockwork Orange.

He told me 2 more books from the same author and then I pulled Das Perfume and he said it's an extraordinary book. It seems that he reads a lot.

I kept my chinese books for this gentleman is an English.


要 reiterate: 太多好書, 太少時間!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

第六十四通 Jogging 蟲


村上春樹每天跑步超過兩小時, 為的就是有足夠的體力去寫作。其實慢跑真的是一項很悶但同時亦很 enjoyable 的運動。慢跑通常伴隨的會是隨機的思考, 新靈感往往就是這樣來。

好! 要盡快買一雙 Mizuno 去跑個痛快!