

Monday, December 25, 2006

第四十九通 火鍋蟲


昨晚招呼了一些朋友來蟲家吃火鍋, 現將重點記錄如下:

1. 本地牛肉比較受歡迎
2. 吃火鍋時最好同一時間欣賞「扮嘢勁歌金曲」, 要有盧海鵬的
3. 預備多一點醉雞、蘿蔔及象拔蚌

Thursday, December 21, 2006

第四十八通 Common sense 蟲

最近有幸看到本集團某大頭頭的訪問片段。頭頭表明本集團不容許 mediocracy (出現次數一次), 另鼓勵員工 be flexible, use 'common sense' (出現次數共三次)。


Common sense 應包括怎麼樣的知識?

同事隨後放出一世界地圖的 slide, 以示本集團的業務範圍。當本蟲能正確指出地中海附近, 土耳其以下為希臘及於美國以下為墨西哥時, 同事們均報以敬佩眼光。

本蟲立時面紅耳熱, 內心激動不已, 彷彿受到不應該的讚賞。

天呀! 不知道希臘或許能理解, 但墨西哥呢? 早前興起的南美概念, 墨西哥是其中相當重要的一員!


You are what you read.

Maybe, you simply don't read at all?

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

第四十七通 變泰蟲

I just don't know why and from time to time investors place Thai on their watch list. The 'Motto' 聽到子彈聲入市 is not always true and it has proved to be a failure when Taksin fleeted to places outside Thailand.

A 'sophisticated investor' asked me in this summer that if it is a good time to place a bet @ Thailand and I said 'No'. Afterall, the bloom there since the recovery from the financial turmoil was mostly Taksin's credit. He has left and everything becomes uncertain.

The sudden tightening of their 'FX control' and the even more sudden withdrawal is a very good probe on what's happening within the terriory. It's just a mess!

Will history repeat itself that straightly??


This also leads me to 亞洲畢非特 - 四叔's previous 豪情壯語 that 'the trading volume of local stocks - it's like 40B whereas the daily income of all of the property developer (he closed his eyes for a second and quoted) - it's only 40M. So the coming focus must be on the financial sector.'

He must be very smart to jump into such a conclusion by looking into these figures in a flash (Was the 40M just a wild guess? Did he far underestimate the rental income of all of the developers from their residential & commercial properties?). But I just doubt the connection's simplicity.

Anyway, investors TENDS to invest on a relatively liquid asset.

The investors' @ Thai was NOT over-reacted today.


The only consequence is, it will only add fuel to the already heated market if the 淡友 is not capable to make a good use of this piece of news to pull down the index, as HK is nearly the best shelter in the region.

See what will happen tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

第四十六通 家務蟲

I don't particularly hate doing housework, but my heart really aches when I get the count how much time I spend a day for it.

Luckily that my job is not that busy for the time being ... just can't imagine what will happen in 2007.


The market's getting crazy now, I said the China Life is the most expensive listed life insurance company in the world when it's @ $12 and obviously ppl really hate this (especially for those CL lovers & holders). What can I say now, it's $22! 1 share of 2628 worth more than 2 shares of Manulife. 天呀! Feeling terribly lonely! So I keep my mouth shut on this topic recently. Just smile politely when ppl touch on this topic.

Monday, December 18, 2006

第四十五通 Civilized 蟲

It's quite difficult to imagine one's life without getting connected for more than a month.

Probably I've saved lots of time, from reading the web, to reading books.

With or without you
With or without you
I cant live
With or without you

With or without you
With or without you
I cant live
With or without you
With or without you

Friday, December 01, 2006

第四十四通 Euro/USD 蟲

I'm so glad that I've just been back from Europe and that the rate is soaring!


Amsterdam was a nice place and it's out of my expectation, the canal scenes mocking Venice!

I rode a bike for a city tour and it really chanllenged my 心肺功能。 Amsterdam is a clean city but... 似乎沒有什麼性格。

One surprise from the Van Gogh Museum was that, Van Gogh seems did not have a 統一風格 and he had been influenced by Japanese's art (from a magazine).
